To obtain a long-term student visa to the Czech Republic, I had to provide comprehensive medical insurance covering 60,000 euros. Buying insurance online through the site went with no problems.
I chose UNIQA because it is a large and reliable international company. I was sent all the necessary documents for the Consulate and my plastic card was already waiting in Prague office on Vaclavské náměstí 48. Thank you, I shall use your services again in the future!
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Address: Václavské náměstí 48, Praha 1
Centrum Pojištění - Insurance Center s.r.o.
Vázaný zástupce dle zákona o distribuci pojištění a zajištění zapsaný v registru ČNB.
IČO: 197 54 710
Mon-Thu. 09:00 - 19:00
Fri. 09:00 - 18:00, Sat, Sun. - closed